Monday 9 July 2012

A couple of trades today, a long at 8:38 ( filled at 260.75) and a short at 12:09 (2604.50);

Each of them stopped out for a 2 point loss.

Previously I was having occasional issues with my laptop overheating and I think was responsible for it crashing a couple of times.  I keep it on a wooden desktop and I've found out that wood is a very poor conductor of heat so the heat generated by the laptop can only escape via the surrounding air or wooden desktop.  

However, one of the gifts that Mrs PositiveDeviant and I received for our wedding was the following;

A slate serving tray.

Now what has this got to do with my occasionally overheating laptop?  Well quite a lot.

At 25 degrees centigrade the thermal conductivity of wood (oak) is 0.17 W/(m·K)   [that's Watts per Metre Kelvin].

Whereas the thermal conductivity of slate is a far higher 2.01 W/(m·K), considerably higher than wood.  

You can probably guess where this is headed....

I've unscrewed the handles and left those in the box and my laptop is now sat on a new slate base, that now acts as a heat sink for my laptop and not a serving tray for canapés.

Seems to work quite well so far.

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